Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School is No Joking Matter! {Blog Hop}


I'm so excited to be linking up with Freebielicious for a back to school blog hop.  Everyone needs a smile at this stressful time of year.  I'm not back at school yet but the back to school shopping is in full swing.  When I saw this cute cartoon I thought it was funny. They really should have these side by side in Walmart.  

Don't forget while you are shopping, that the Back to School sale at TpT is starting.  I will be putting my whole store on sale for 20% and by using the Promo code BTS13 you can get another 10% off.
Click on the picture below to head on over to my store. 

For the next stop on the hop, head on over to Simply Kinder for more laughs.

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