Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Hop

 Have you set some New Years resolutions for yourself this year? I typically tell myself a thing or two that I want to do differently, but I never write them down or do anything to hold myself accountable for following through on them. This year I want that to be different! I want to set goals and I want to reach them.

My friends at Freebielicious and I want to share some of our goals and resolutions for 2014 with you! To help you get a jump start on the new year we've also added some freebies that may help you reach your own similiar goals. 

I really want to be a bit more organized this year so  I think I'm going to make this my main goal.

In order to begin to be more organized, I made up this little freebie.  I'm a list maker and I love making lists.  I thought this might help me become a little more organized in class.  I always do a bunch of work at home and then when I get to school, I forget which files I was going to print out or what I needed to copy.  Hopefully this will help.  Click on the picture below to grab it for free.

Hop on over to Kinder Alphabet for another resolution and matching freebie!


  1. Mandy, thanks for you useful freebie. I'm printing this out to keep on my desk. Maybe it will help me get more organized too.
    A Differentiated Kindergarten

  2. I love lists. Thank you for this freebie :)

    Kinder Alphabet

  3. I need to get organized, too!!!! Thank you for the freebie, Marsha! Now I have no excuse! lol
    First Grade Blue SKies
