Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bright Ideas Blog Hop

I'm so glad that you stopped by today on the next stop of the Bright Ideas Blog Hop.  

I thought I would share with you some of the ways that I adapt my activities to meet the needs of my special students.  You can use these with any of your activities and with any grade.

Tip #1

For children with fine motor difficulties, use magnets and cookie sheets.  The pieces don't move as easily.

 Tip #2

Use dice.  They are easier to use than spinners.

Tip #3

Use Velcro.  When using manipulatives, add Velcro to the back of the pieces.  It will stop the pieces from moving and frustrating the children.

Tip #4

For children with  visual difficulties, use manipulatives and "real" objects.  They will be more meaningful to the children.  Use ice cube trays for 10 frames and rubber/stuffed animals to represent characters in books.

Tip #5

For children unable to use a pencil, use stamps and tiles.  

Thank you so much for stopping by today.  I hope I gave you a few ideas to use in your class.

For your next stop, you will be heading to my friend Maria over at Kinder-Craze.
