Sunday, April 26, 2015

No Prep Spring and Freebie

At this time of the year, we continue to work on beginning sounds and word families.  
These no prep sheets don't require any motor skills. 
If your student can't colour, use bingo dabbers to mark the correct answers. 

 We made our word family puzzles into a little book.
First we cut them up.

Then we put them back together in a little book.

You can get a sample of this package by clicking on the picture above.  Once you are on my TpT page, click on the preview button to get the sample for free. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Earth Day craft and Freebie

I can't' believe it's earth day tomorrow.  I thought I would highlight I've done in the past.  It's super easy to do and you only need a few (very inexpensive) items.

You will need:

coffee filters.

blue and green markers

water in a spray bottle 

Start by drawing in green and blue with the markers on the coffee filters.
Any pattern, blob, shape, is fine.

Then spray it with water.  The marker will spread and run to cover the filter.

Leave it to dry.  Or if you are in a hurry, dry it with a hair dryer.

Once it was dry we glued it to a piece of construction paper.

I then had the kids write the words "Earth Day" on it

For children who have trouble printing, I made some words that you can print out, have them colour, cut out and glue on their page.  You can grab them for free by clicking on the picture below.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Butterfly Child

Have you ever come across a story that touches your heart.  I was in tears sobbing uncontrollably when I watched this video.  The things that some of our students have to go through on a daily basis are incredible.  For some of our most involved little ones, is learning 1+1 relievent in their life when they are just struggling to get through the day.

This little guy is stronger than most of us ever will be.

Make sure you grab a box of tissues before you watch.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bright Ideas April

Welcome to another Bright Ideas Link Up!

My tip is something I think a lot of people do but maybe you don't realize it.

The other day I was in Walmart.  I very often stop in there before work.  Our Walmart opens at 7am and I love going in there without kids while it's not busy.

Now I'm always on the look out for a deal.  I mean, what teacher isn't?  You know you're a teacher when you get excited by a sale.

So Easter was what? One? Two weeks ago?  I was keeping my eye on the left overs, but the sales weren't all that good yet.

Well, lo and behold, the other day, everything Easter was 75% off.  What a steal!
This was what I came home with.
I think it cost me just a little over $6.

Originally I thought "Score! I'll have some new items for Easter next year."  But then I thought, why not use some of items before Easter for different themes or projects.

These cute little bunnies are suppose to be Jacks, but I think they will make perfect counters.
They would fit in with a farm theme.
The set ended up being 25 cents.

These little bins ended up being 50 cents for 3.  I picked up a few different colours because I thought they would be perfect for sorting and counting.

Turns out, the bunnies fit in them nicely. 

I had picked up one of these tic tac toe games earlier in the season at regular price.  Now it was 50 cents.

The X's and O's are removable and again the duck would work with other themes other than Easter.

I was thinking that the X's and O's could be used separately as a tic tac toe game by drawing a grid on a piece of paper.  Or they could used as a patterning or sorting game.

These gummy bunnies are so cool.  They are stretchy and would be perfectly as a fidget toy. 

I was also thinking that we could use them for measuring.

This was a biggest item I bought at $3.50.  I don't know if I can wait until next Easter to try it.  I might have to break it out for a craft project before that.

So, I hope I have inspired you to think outside the box when you are looking at the sale racks after the holidays.  You never know what you will find.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider following my blog, facebook or TpT store.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring blends - No Prep

It looks like spring is finally here.  

Our playground is open and we were able to get outside to play without snowpants.

We are moving on to blends for our word work.  I love these sheets because the children can be independent doing them while I work with a small group.  They are an excellent tool for me assessing their knowledge afterwards, as I can gauge pretty quickly who has "got it" and who hasn't.

It doesn't hurt that we are also working on fine motor skills with the cutting and pasting.  This is also great for my students that don't have any printing skills.  No printing involved.

I had the children colour in the pictures on the right.

Then they cut them out.

Once that was done, they glued the pictures starting with the blend on the bear's tummy, in the box at the top.

For this activity the children had to put the correct flower on the stem.

We cut out the flowers.

and then we glued the flowers on the stem with the correct blend.

Then we coloured them in.

Spring blends will be on sale for 1/2 price until Friday.