Monday, June 29, 2015

Math Manipulative Monday - Colour Tiles

For the next month I'm going to be trying something different.  
Each day I will focus on something different.

Monday's will be about Math Manipulatives.
Each week I will highlight some different manipulatives and offer suggestions on how to use them with children with disabilities.

Here are the other posts in this series

This week I'll offer a few suggestions for colour tiles.

A few years ago I was doing some measuring with non-standard measurement tools.  We were using the colour tiles to measure some forest animal pictures and they kept sliding off before we could line them all up and count them.

Our solution - put Velcro on the back.

We put Velcro on the back of the tiles and a strip of Velcro along the arrow.
The Velcro is a little hard to see in the picture.

The tiles now easily stick to the Velcro and stay in place while the children put them along the arrow and count them.

For my non-speaking children I offered them numbers to pick from to determine if they could tell me how many blocks they used.

The other activity we did with the colour tiles was for my older students.  Our grade one expectations require the children to use a 100 chart and explore counting by 2's, 5's and 10's.  Once again, this is a nightmare for children with poor fine motor skills and coordination issues.  Spastic movements will cause all the tiles to go flying and lead to frustration when they have to start over.

Once again Velcro came to the rescue.  I lined the top the numbers with Velcro and the children could place the tiles on the number of their choice.

Even holding the board upright in front of a child didn't displace any of the tiles.  This was perfect for children in wheelchairs and standers or for those children with visual impairments who needed the board closer to their face.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will come back next week for more math manipulative ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! I'm off to the shops to buy some Velcro! Thanks for sharing! :)
