Monday, July 6, 2015

Fun-Day Sunday - Bird Feeders

Funday Sunday is a late this week. 
 I know it's Monday, but we were having so much fun yesterday I didn't have time to post.

So here is Sunday's post, a little late.

Since we have been talking about forest animals, we decided to "make" something to "eat" to "give" to the birds.

We went for a walk and found some pine cones.   We then covered them in peanut butter.  This was wonderful fine motor work to scoop it out of the container and spread it on the pine cone with a plastic knife.

I then put a layer of seed on the table (after I put down parchment paper).

And the kids rolled their pine cones in the seeds.

They told me if they were "all done" or they wanted to do "more".

We then hung our masterpieces outside for the birds.

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