Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Fall y'all blog hop

This hop is hosted by my friend Stephanie at Mrs. D's Corner!!!

I cannot believe that today is the first day of fall.  Where did the summer go?  I can't complain though.  It's been a beautiful September and it's still supposed to be beautiful this week.  

Because of the beautiful weather, the leaves really haven't started to change yet.  Even so, there are still signs of fall around.

After Halloween last year, I had my boys throw our pumpkins out into the back lot (we live in the country) and this is what happened.

A Pumpkin!

With no work on our part, we ended up with one small pumpkin.
It's just starting to turn orange.

I had never really examined a pumpkin plant before so we decided to do some investigating.

The first thing we noticed was that the pumpkin leaves were BIG.
And the stems are PRICKLY.
Who knew?

They were too prickly to pick so we decided to find some other leaves.   

We found a variety of leaves that were different sizes, shapes and colours.

We then decided to do some leaf rubbings.
We took the paper off our crayons.
We put one leaf at a time under white paper and rubbed the crayon across it.
This is great fine motor work. 

We got some stunning pictures.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.  I made a little word game freebie that is perfect for fall.

Head on over to my friend Dianna at Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching for more fall ideas and a freebie.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

September Woes

I can't believe that September is half over.  September has kicked my butt for sure.  Trying to set up my class, update some products and keep my family rolling has wiped me out.  Hockey has started up again and I have no time for anything.

So I apologize for not posting more and I hope to get my groove back soon.

In the meantime I've updated a few of my farm resources with new fonts and graphics.  If you have already purchased them, please go and download the new version.  If you haven't got them yet, I've bundled them together and it will be on sale for only $12 for the next couple of days.