Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bear Sees Colors - Day Three

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It's day 3 of our "Bears Sees Colors" unit.  
On this day we are introducing Characters.
I showed the children this poster of the characters in the book.

We then talked about the characters being the "Who" in the story.

As we read the story, we posted pictures of the animals on a chart.

Once we finished the chart I had the children make individual books.

I had coloured and black and white pictures printed off for the children depending on the skills of the child.

For my students that have fine motor skills, I had them colour in the pictures.
I laid them out beside the book so they had a choice to pick from.
Some children could handle 5 choices, and some could only handle 2. 

As the children completed their book, I had them read the sentence to me.

When the children were finished, they took their books home to read to their families.

Don't forget to grab the book.  You are going to need it for these activities.

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