Saturday, June 25, 2011

Book Whisperer Pre-linky Party

Mrs Lyons is hosting a pre-book question and answer quiz linky party for the "Book Whisperer". Only a few more days until we start the book study.


Here are my answers to the questions.
1) What is your favourite book (or series) from childhood?

Wow, I read so much as a kid I don't know if I have a favorite.  Probably something by Judy Blume.  By 6th grade I was going through about 3 Harlequin Romance books a week.

2) What is your favourite book (or series) now?

I love the Tunnel series from Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams.  Also anything by Margaret Peterson Haddix.

3) What is your opinion of e-readers?

I don't have one . I've only just seen one, once.  I don't know if I would like them or not.

4) Finish this sentence: "On Sundays I like to..."


5) Describe yourself in 5 words!

Hockey mum, wife, teacher, reader

6) Hardcover or paperback? Why?

Doesn't matter to me.  Paperback are cheaper but if I can't wait for a sequel then I will get hardback. I usually get hardcover from the library.

7) Coffee or Tea?
Neither. I'm a diet Pepsi gal.

Head over to Mrs Lyons blog to link up with your answers or to see other people answers.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining in with the linky party! I am excited to have you as part of our read along, looking forward to reading your ideas.
