Friday, August 19, 2011

Literacy Work Stations

I was so impressed with Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller that I decided to go out and buy Literacy Work Stations.  I can't wait to get into the book.  I'm not sure yet how I'm going to run things.  With only 7 children my stations won't be very big but I'm looking forward to trying something different this year.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.


  1. I have set up several work stations in my resource room. I went with items that students could do on their own and that I could create several different levels for. I only created 6 stations-vocabulay, word work, big books, library, and writing. I'm going to add math stations this year since I also pull out for math. My students love when they have "free" time and can pull from these stations.

  2. I too bought Literacy Work Stations. Wish I had a classroom this year to implement them in, but am SO thankful for a job in this economy. I get to work at my neighborhood school too!


  3. I had the Literacy Stations book at least a year before her Math Stations book. Both are very well written and very easy to follow. I was hoping someone would start a book study on it like the math book study we did this summer. I also got it spiral bound as one of the great teachers posted last week on one of their blogs. Spiral binding is the best! I plan on implementing both books in my classroom this year.

  4. Wow! I am jealous I will be having 14 kids in my Life Skills Classroom this year. I am trying to implement some of the stations in my class and I am hoping it will work this year. I can think myself to death sometimes trying to figure out how to do both centers and individual student schedules. I think I have come up with a system. I will let you know in a few days (school starts Monday) Hope you have a great year.

  5. Love Love Love all the books by this author. I use them all the time for RTI :) Love your site :) Feel free to check mine out and follow if you like it.
