Sunday, August 19, 2012

You Know It's Back to School When....

Well it's that time of year again.  Back to School!  Even though I have two weeks of holiday left, I know that the beginning of school is looming close.  Jeannie of Kindergarten Lifestyle is having a linky party about how you know it's back to school time.

This is the biggest tell tale sign for me.  I start having dreams.  Usually not good ones either.  I call them my "room dreams".  They usually involve me being in my room (which is of course not my room) because it is either too big or too small (I mean, I could touch both walls with my outstretched arms).   I have too many kids (like 50) or no one shows up.  It might have no furniture or it might be packed with so much stuff that I can't even turn around.  You get the picture.

This is the other tell tale sign that summer is coming to an end.  I have to start going to bed at a half way decent hour in order to start getting up earlier.  No more sleeping in or staying up late. 

I've had a really great summer and I'm sad to see it go.

To see more "You know it's Back to School when...." responses head on over to

Kindergarten Lifestyle


  1. Hi5! This week, sharing with Parents and Teachers on Back-to-School posts for: 'EnjoyHi5Autism' Pinterest, and, 'Enjoyable School Year', as well as, 'Enjoying The Hi-5s of Autism - A Family Experience'.

  2. I have back to school dreams too!! I'm happy I'm not the only one :)

    - Sasha
    The Autism Helper

  3. I hate having to retrain myself to get up early too!
