Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stuffed with thankful thoughts

I'm joining in the linky party from
 I'm very thankful for a few things this year.
1. My family.  My family has had some pretty serious health issues this year.  I'm hoping that everyone is on their way to a healthier year.
2. My boys.  They are the light of my life and they make me proud everyday.
3. My students. Each year my students continue to surprise me with their courage and the joy the experience every day.
4. My blogging friends.  I have made some wonderful friends this past year and I truly appreciate their support and help in my blogging journey.
What are you thankful for?  Clink on the linky picture above to join in the fun.


  1. Oh my stars! I love your blog. I am a second grade teacher and the mother of four, one who is a special needs kiddo. I love how your heart shows through your blog! I am your newest follower.

