Friday, November 28, 2014

Special Education Blog Hop and Sale

I'm so excited to be part of a special education blog hop.  I've teamed up with a few of my Special Education friends to bring you some tips and freebies this Thanksgiving.

This is my tip for you.  Use Velcro.  I love, love, love, Velcro.  I use it for everything but one of my favorite applications is for math manipulatives.  For children with poor fine motor control, Velcro is perfect for keeping pieces in place.

Now for your freebie.  

Get an early start on Christmas with this cute little counting game for numbers 1 to 5.  Click on the picture below to grab it.

I'm also having a sale.  Click on the button below to head on over to my store for some great deals.  My whole store is 20% off.

And 4 of my bundles are 35% off.  You can find them in my featured section.

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you were able to use my tip.  For more freebies and tips, continue the trip through the blog hop by checking out Mrs. H's Resource Room...just click the button below.

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  1. Love your new blog design and your little turkey tip and freebie signs! Cute!

    <a href="”>The Bender Bunch</a>

  2. Cute, cute freebie! It will be great for one of my kids. Thank you.
    Burke's Special Kids

  3. Your Christmas Freebie is ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing!!
    Lindy McDaniel
    Considerate Classroom

  4. Velcro is definitely a godsend, don't know what I would do without it! And thanks for your seasonal freebie, it'll make a great file folder activity!

  5. Where would we be without velcro! They should pass that stuff out when you graduate from college! ;)
    Mrs. H's Resource Room
