Monday, May 18, 2015

Zoo Interactive Readers

Last week we took a trip to the zoo.  I love the zoo.  There is so much to see and do.  There is so much language that can be used to describe the animals and most zoos are fairly accessible for mobility issues.

I decided to redo my zoo interactive books as they were one of the original ones I made and they were in need of updating.

If you have already bought this from me, please go and redownload.  It now contains an extra book and 4 mini take home books.

This is the third book.

This book requires the child to pick the correct word to put in the sentence.  I usually do this book after we have read the first book (it's not interactive) so that the child "really" knows the story.  I use Velcro to keep the words in the book.

Here's a sample of what is the in the rest of the books.
Click on the picture below to grab this for half price until the end of the week.

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