The children are loving all of our "Polar Express" activities this week. The book is a classic around Christmas time and there are so many fabulous activities that can be done the classroom. One thing that is hard at this time of the year is to get some academics in. Especially, something that is quick and doesn't take any prep. I made some alphabet practice worksheets for my students to do, that accompany the math sheets from last week. At this time of the year, I still have students that need practice with uppercase and lowercase letter recognition and matching.

While working on letter recognition (both upper and lowercase letters), I wanted my students to also practice some fine motor skills. We have been practicing our scissor skills and they are getting better at cutting out objects without cutting them in half. We have also been practicing using glue sticks. I don't know about you, but I swear sometimes the children are eating them, they disappear so fast. We have been concentrating on rolling up the glue "a little bit" and not smooshing down the whole tube on one letter. We're getting there!
I love these worksheets because they are so practical for this time of year. They are perfect for leaving for the substitute teacher, just copy and leave. I've also used them for my early finishers and for a quick assessment when I need to know who's got the concept and who doesn't.
This year, I added answer keys. This has been a lifesaver for when I have parent helpers or grade eight volunteers. I just give them the answers and have them help. Hey, it's Christmas, we need all the help we can get!
I love teacher reviews. It is so nice to hear how my products are helping you, as a teacher, make it through the holidays. I also love feedback on what you want more of and what you liked. Always feel free to send me a message.
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Merry Christmas!