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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labour Day Sale and Giveaway

I can't believe that there is only one more day of holiday before school starts.  

To celebrate, I'm putting my new fall packs on sale for Monday, September 1 for 1/2 price.  

I'm also having a giveaway.

I'm so excited to be teaming up with Barker Creek again for an amazing giveaway.  

They have generously donated two of their magnetic sets for one lucky winner.

I love their magnetic sets.  They work great with a magnetic sheet and are perfect for literacy work stations.

One set has PCS symbols and words and the other set has just words.

The magnets are perfect practice for making sentences and the PCS symbols are a perfect companion for special education students.

To win these wonderful magnets, enter below.
I'll pick a winner on Wednesday.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Calendar Freebie

I had several requests for this year's calendars and realized that I needed them too.  I need to get my calendar books together.

Here are the calendars.  Click on the picture below to grab it for free. 

There are two versions of the calendar.  One in which all the numbers are dotted.

And one in which only the first and last numbers are dotted. 

I also need to print off some of the other pages for my calendar books and get them ready.  School starts in two weeks.  Click on the pictures below to check them out.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fall literacy work stations and a sale

There is only one and 1/2 weeks left in summer holidays.  I can't believe it.  I was at school today trying to clean and get organized.  I don't know if I'm going to be ready or not.

To help celebrate all the schools who start after Labour Day, TpT is having a one day Back to School sale today.

I will be putting all my products on sale for 20% off.  Don't forget to enter the Promo Code either.

I managed to finish my Fall literacy work stations just in time for the sale.  I will be getting these printed off this week so they are ready for the first day of school.

I wanted to do a lot of activities that practice the alphabet straight off the bat.  

This game will wonderful as a matching game for children still learning letters and for the children who know all their letters, I'm going to get them to put the letters in order.

 This game again practices matching letters.  You can match uppercase to uppercase or lowercase to lowercase or for a challenge, have the children match upper to lowercase.

This game is little more challenging.  I want to know if the children can find the letter before or after the given letter.

I haven't decided what sight words I'm starting with yet so I made all of the Pre-primer Dolch list words.  I've never tried a write the room activity before.

I know we are going to have to practice printing.  I thought this would be a fun way to do it.

Letters are tricky when they are written in different fonts.  This game is a chance to practice sorting some letters that look a little "different".

My kids always love this game.  I hide the acorn under a squirrel.  They call out a letter and then get to look under that letter to see if the acorn is there.  If it is, they win.  Great for letter practice.

I wanted the children to practice some fall words.  I may use links to join the letters.

I have as well, bundled both the literacy and math activities into one product.  This is your best savings.

I thought I would highlight a couple of products from some friends of mine.

My friend Tara has the best pack for busy teachers.  This is full of last minute activities that don't require any prep.  Perfect for a Monday morning.

This year I am going to have one grade student. In order to program effectively for her, I'm using some products from my friend Lyndsey.

My friend Jennifer has the cutest alphabet hats.  And what kindergarten child doesn't love to wear a hat?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bright Idea - Printer different sizes

 This month I thought I would share a printing tip that I just discovered.  Maybe it's common knowledge and I just didn't know about it.  Could be.  I figured if I didn't know about it, maybe someone else didn't either.

recently bought some alphabet toppers and I was so excited.  When I opened the file, there was one topper on each page.  Now there were 26 of them.  I knew that I didn't have room for them to be that big, in the space I wanted to put them. 

What to do?  I thought about taking screenshots of each of the toppers and then putting them in PowerPoint, sizing them to the right size and then printing them.  But that was a lot of work.  If I printed them and shrunk them on the photocopier, they wouldn't be in colour.

There had to be a better way of making them smaller.

I decided to have a look at my printer options, and lo and behold, there is a really simple way to do it.

This is how it works on my printer.  I'm not sure if all printers have the same options.  Check and see if yours does.

Go to print your PDF and wait for the popup menu to come up.

Click on the box that says "Page Scaling".  It should say "Fit to Printable Area".

Click on the arrow and select "multiple pages per sheet".

Where it says "pages per sheet", I selected "2 by 2".  This gave me 4 pictures on one page.  You can change this depending how small you want your pages.  Don't forget the select which pages to print.  I didn't need the title page, so I started on page 2.

Once printed and laminated, the pictures are just the size I wanted.

The other trick I learned was to make my long range plans poster size.  Now this is using Excel. Once again you will have to check the printer and program you are using.

In the pop up menu, click on properties.

A new popup will open and you want to make sure that the "Advanced" tab is selected.

Under the "Advanced" tab, look for "poster printing".  I wanted my plans printed on 4 pages so I selected 2X2.

Once printed, I trimmed the pages where they met and taped them together.

I hope you enjoyed this bright idea.
You can find me here.


For more bright ideas, check out the links below.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fall Math Work Stations

School is just around the corner and I'm frantically trying to get everything done that I wanted to.

  These are my math work stations that I'm going to start with.  

It contains a lot of counting activities because I'm not sure what skills my little ones will be arriving with.  

It will be 1/2 price until the weekend.
I'm working on finishing up my literacy unit too.

Acorn order contains numbers to 100.  Just incase there are some kids working on higher level numbers. 

Fall Patterns includes an AB, ABC, AABB, AAAB, and ABBB patterns.  For more of a challenge, children can create their own pattern.

I've included several different counting activities since the children are going to need lots of practice counting in different ways.

I've included a couple of sorting activities.  Children can sort by object type in this one.

For children who need a challenge, they need to figure out the missing number.

Working on one-to-one correspondence is also important. 

In this last activity, children can sort by either shape or colour.