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Sunday, February 12, 2012

You know you're a teacher when.....

I'm linking up with Kindergarten Lifestyle for the "You know you're a teacher when......" linky party.  Here are mine.

What are yours?


Jeannie said...

Mandy - I don't have any decent scissors left. They all have glue or tape on them....uggghhh!!!

Thank you for joining my linky party! This has been such fun!!

­Kindergarten Lifestyle

Kindergarten Lifestyle Facebook Fan Page

Barbara L said...

Ha ha. I LOVE getting Scholastic books. So much fun.

Grade ONEderful

Think, Wonder, and Teach said...

I can never keep a decent pair of scissors as they always get ruined!

Misty @
Think, Wonder, & Teach

The Colorful Apple said...

I love getting my Scholastic book order in too!

Sara :)

Smiling In Second Grade

Ms. Chrissy B said...

HAHA or sticky laminating. We got a new 'cold' laminator that uses sticky stuff and all our scissors are gross now.

Buzzing with Ms. B

Unknown said...

I just bought new scissors yesterday for this reason!

Kinder Kraziness

Bellismom said...

You know you're a teacher when you see a child out in public who is misbehaving and you think "If he were in my class I'd have him straightened out real quick."

Lisa Howard said...

scissors - yes! why is it so hard to keep them nice?

- Lisa
a teachers bag of tricks
**having a giveaway**

Stacey said...

Scholastic book orders are like Christmas!!! So fun! New follower here. :)


Miss Angel said...

I love the velcro one! I was an aide in a classroom with a lot of kids with autism, and we wrecked all sorts of scissors cutting velcro! Someone should invent a gum-proof pair of scissors! Also, velcro itself is a hot commodity and you will do anything to get your hands on some.