Non slip mats are an essential part of a special education class that has children with physical disabilities and low tone or poor fine motor skills. This is a non slip mat that can be purchased inexpensively at the Dollar Store. It's easy to cut into any size you want.
Here are a few ways we use it.
For children with low tone, they often have trouble staying in their seat. These are the kids that keep sliding out. A little square on the seat under their bum helps them stay put.
A little square under bowls and plates, stops them for sliding around the table while children are trying to eat.
We roll up a small piece around a pencil to make a pencil grip. You can make it as thick as you want. The texture gives feedback to those who need it.
Putting a piece under toys and games will help them stay put while children are using them. This was our egg spinner from Easter.
The last tip I have for you is to use it use technology. I keeps the laptops and ipads on the table and off the floor.
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