I'm so excited to be linking up in the Bright Ideas link up.
It's been awhile since I did one.
This month I thought I would share with you how we count to 100 during our calendar.
It starts with 3 different sized cans.
You can decorate them however you want.
I've covered them in construction paper before but this year I decided to cover them with tissue paper and Podge them.
I then wrote "ones" on the smallest can, "tens" on the middle can and "hundreds" on the largest can.
I then use straws to count. I just bought a cheap box of straws from our local Walmart. One year I found florescent ones that were bright and colourful.
On the first day of school I take one straw and tell the children that we will be counting the number of days that we have been in school. To do this, we will put one straw in our can every day. I have each child pass the straw to a friend while they repeat "one". The last person puts it in the ones can.

When we get to 10 straws, I explain to the children that 10 straws are too many to fit into our ones can. We have to bundle them up with an elastic band and move then into our tens can. Once the straws are bundled, I have the children pass the bundle to friend while counting "ten". The last person puts the bundle in the tens can.
Counting continues each day with the children starting with the bundles.
For the picture below, the children would count "ten", "twenty", "twenty one", "twenty two", "twenty three", "twenty four", "twenty five", "twenty six".
I also start by saying, "how many straws are in a bundle?"
Once we get 10 bundles, they of course are too big for our tens can and must be moved to our hundreds can. We then also celebrate with a 100's day party.
How do you count to 100?
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