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Monday, October 27, 2014

The Book Whisperer - Chapter 6

This week is Chapter 6 of our book study on "The Book Whisperer" by Donalyn Miller. 

   The Book Whisperer.png

If you don't have the book already,  you can grab it here.  It's not too late to join in.

The fifth chapter is called "Cutting the Teacher Strings" and is all about examining what you are doing with reading instruction in your class and deciding whether or not you are doing it because it's good practice or just because it's always been done that way.  

Miller offers a variety of ways to change traditional methods to achieve the same better results.

A large part of my reading program is taken up by just reading and sending books home every night.  I do get parents to fill out "reading logs" but it's really so that I can keep track of books that are read (kindergarten children tend to want to take the same book home every night). 

What do you do to change things up a bit?

For more tips from Chapter 6, see below.


Anonymous said...

That reading log can get tedious, but it certainly serves a good purpose!

Barbara L said...

I have to admit I send home a monthly reading log too. My purpose is for the kids to develop a habit of nightly reading. I don't really care what they read or who's doing the reading...as long as it happens:)